Grafting Plants

“I am Cactus” – Step 2 – Right Leg

Follow up from prior post. Left leg successfully grafted! I let it get more of a solid connection for about a month before grafting the right leg. I did a flat cut on the Tricho left leg and it didn't fully graft all the way across as you can tell in the 2nd pic, I'm thinking because as it dried the top sunk in in certain areas, but it is still solidly connected despite the gapping. For the right leg I tapered the cut on the Tricho to create more of a ridge on the top to hopefully avoid any gapping as it dries for a better connection.
Bonus: While waiting for the graft, the right leg decided to make a beautiful Grandiflorus flower!

by LFBoardrider1

1 Comment

  1. ArbitraryNPC

    This is art! What’s the vision for the final form?

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