Japanese Garden

Beautiful Japanese Garden Inspired Pen

A creation inspired by the sand patterns in the garden style called ‘Karesansui,’ the design on this pen expresses a mountain and water landscape with stones and sand!


  1. This had me at Tombow they make such amazing pens. I love my art pens with rubber nibs not many companies have that its usually just brush, but rubber gives a bit more control over ones linework.

  2. This is what I call a bad design where the person designing the product gave aesthetics priority over function. Remember, Form Follows Function. Those ridges are gonna get dirty real fast and would be impossible to clean. In Japanese gardens, those lines were made on rocks and in sand. …..both of which are meant to be dirty!

  3. Kind of a force. How can you say a cylindrical pen borrows it's design from a flat garden. … Give me two hundred dollars and buy my pen, it's what Buddha would want you to do

  4. For people that cant find the name.
    Tombow's ZOOM ying Samon roller pen. It's on his store for quite a hefty price.

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