Japanese Garden

Tips on Leaf Cutting & Pine Pruning

In this video I show you how to take the leaves off of a tree if they have been damaged and how to prune pines.

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🎹 Music is from imovie and is called Newborn


  1. Nice video. Not a bonsai but I had to remove all the leaves on a blueberry bush a couple of months back because it got really scorched. It was so bad thought I was going to lose it. It's now covered in new leaves so the technique really does work. Is that beautiful shirt inspired by Monet? Also can we have an update on the cuttings you took from the pines? Did they take?

  2. The microphone works great for filtering out the plane noise, but now we can’t hear the birds (nature) in the background. Just remember to not use the microphone on your walks through the nursery and the property 😉. Loved this video, I had to defoliate two of my maples this summer, so far the new crop is small.

  3. The new mic is much better as it follows you around and doesn't fade in and out as you move. Thanks for the great maple tips.

  4. OMG!!! That mic changes everything! Admittedly I stopped watching your videos because of the wind noise and the noise from the constant aeroplanes above. Couldn't stand listening to it. But this is soooo much better! Thank you, I'm now back on your channel 💚

  5. Much improved sound quality, thank you. It seems cruel to leaf prune, but I can understand the necessity when sun burning has occurred, or irreversible wilting after a little watering neglect. A good reminder from you to only lightly wire maples, I made the mistake of wiring and shaping a trunk and in less than a year, the trunk had swollen and almost covered the wire. It has produced an interesting effect, the cause of which is blatantly obvious though. Artistic or rookie error?

  6. Such a great pity that the trees didn't receive proper horticultural care in the first place ☹️ Puts me off purchasing ☹️

  7. Thank you for your video! For me, the new mic. is cuting most of the Plain-noise out, but unfortunally also most of the Atmospheric sound. If I could choose, I woud like to take the "old" sound! More athmospere les studio like. But as you wish! I thank you very much for all of your videos, they gave me a lot of explanation you cant find in books!

  8. Peter, I want to suck all the information from your brain into mine and don't care what is sounds like. Having said that, this new mic is excellent! Question, when trimming, what if anything do you apply to the 'cuts'?

  9. Thank you Peter for helping us and providing timeless entertainment. I recently bought one of your books and I have thoroughly enjoyed all you have done to cultivate your passion and how you show your passion in your work. It is very unique and inspiring.

  10. I have to add, my 7ft tall gifted potted Japanese maple was scorched this summer and I’ve removed all the leaves and got a lot of negative remarks about it. New leaves have emerged and the tree is moving on. Thank you!

  11. Sir Chan, I have read couple of your books and watch videos now. My 15 yrs old trident maple never leaf this year. Buds did swell but that's all. Is it dead and what could be the reason?

  12. It is great watching you work and seeing a branch that I don't like just before you decide to remove it. These videos are very effective. Thank you

  13. I have a douglas pine (new to me), about 5ft tall and still kinda young. Do these back bud well when pruning as if its a pine? Got some lower branches (first 2- 2 1/2 feet) with zero needles so guessing they are dead, can be removed and made into some jin, after that all branches have needles. Beginner in bonsai and eager to learn so appreciate the help 😊

  14. Dear Mr. Peter Chan, I love watching your videos! It’s very calming and also I learn from it every time:-)

    I have a question hopefully you can help me with.

    A couple of weeks ago I dug up an japanese maple from the ground. It’s a red maple, not sure what kind, not a dissectum. Anyway, my friend who has had it for more than 15 years was moving out and I was given the maple.

    At first I wanted to put it in a pot, so I removed quite alot of roots to fit it into the pot. But then later I decided to put it in the ground in my own front yard.

    Sadly I think the tree was suffering from the big operation, cutting the roots and standing in full sun for a week, so most of the leaves have been scorched.

    So my question is; I believe the tree will recover and the roots will grow, but should I leaf cut it? Most of the leaves are falling off and I wonder if it is safe to defoliate it… giving the circumstances.. roots are stressed, not the suitable time to have done this, but I had no choice.

    Should I leave the tree alone or cut all the leaves and let it produce a second crop?

    I hope you have any advice on the matter. Or anyone who has ideas thanks very much!!

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