Garden Plans

Smoking ban: Farage criticises reported plans from government

The Reform UK leader smoked outside the Westminster Arms and spoke in response to a potential cigarettes ban outside pubs.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer earlier told reporters the loss of lives because of smoking is “preventable” and that his ministers would “take decisions” on an outdoor cigarettes ban.

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  1. Smoking costs the NHS an absolute fortune – that comes out of my tax. Also, this is not a ban on smoking, just adding to the number of places that people can breathe clean air

  2. Mother died of lung cancer because she was a life long smoker, she and father often smoked continuously in a confined space in a car for hours with 4 kids trapped in back, no open windows hence we all got 2nd hand smoke.

    IMHO, smokers have no rights whatsoever until their smoke is far from common streets. While I was away from UK for 4 decades, I left a country of smokers to a country of very low smoking, when I came back, its like nothing has changed, maybe smokers are more prevalent than 4 decades ago.

    If you think smokers can smoke anywhere then why can't people shit, pee or vomit anywhere they find convenient.

  3. All of you smokers stink, the smoke stinks and goes absolutely everywhere, over me and my kids. I’m all for it. An ex smoker who had no idea how repulsive it is until I gave up.

  4. United Kingdom has brought freedom to people. Now it’s taking it away. Bit by bit. But we live in censorship totalitarian policed state

  5. Just look at the crop of leaders the world now have😢 fighting to keep and ensure people smoke and drink. The same elements that has killed many people and make life miserable. These vices are products of dangerous addiction.

    The fact that they are legal doesn’t mean it’s right and good for human health and living conditions

  6. Smoking in the beer garden is more offensive than wanking out there. I'm not forced to look at your penis but I am forced to inhale your toxic smoke. Let's replace smoking with wanking.

  7. Political Posturing thats all it is. Costs them Nothing and makes them look like they Care. Would rather see Action on illegal immigration. Last 8 Years there has been Over Half a Million Rape Offences in England and Wales. Numbers have increased from 12,400 in 2002 to 2003. The last 3 Years the Numbers are over 65,000 per year and up to 69,984 at one point. Why the Drastic Increase since 2013. What has Changed in the Country. There has to be a Logical Reason. Then we get to the Stabbings and that Massive Increase. Murder rate in 20 Years would hate to think of that Number.

  8. It's already driven it into the hands of criminals, everyone in my town buys it from the 2 Iraqi dudes at the Euro Shop at half the price

  9. Here are interesting facts…

    Did you know smoking significantly increases your chances of cancer …not just lung cancer …but mouth cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, bladder cancer and leukaemia. 😊

    It also significantly increases your chances of dying from a heart attack, a stroke, and getting your limb amputated from peripheral vascular disease.

    It also significantly increases your chances of chronic lung disease … including COPD, bronchitis, and emphysema

    Add to the fact that Nicotine is extremely addictive and smoking is really difficult to quit ….and you are essentially an addict and a financial slave to the tobacco companies as a smoker …giving them all your money for a smoke or two 😊

    Smoking also causes rapid aging of various body organs particularly the skin …it causes gum and tooth disease leading to poor oral hygiene …it is linked to reduced fertility …and complications during pregnancy.

    Also …Non-smokers exposed to second hand smoke are similarly at risk


    Asides that …smoking is great for you …

    So smoke away …

  10. no one said anything when sunak proposed a smoking ban…its ok for rich kids to tell us what to do. !

  11. Next Up On The Ban List;
    – Criticism Of The State
    – Drinking Alcohol
    – Using Fuel and Gas
    – Eating Meat, Eggs or Dairy.
    – Comedy
    – The Bible
    – Travelling Beyond 5 Miles From Your Home
    – Owning Properties

  12. Every Pub Landlord and restaurant owner in uk should publicly ban starmer make starmer free zones send the message he is not wanted

  13. Alcohol – / Costs the NHS £3.5 Billion per year
    Obesity – / Costs the NHS £6.5 Billion per year
    Smoking – / Costs the NHS £2.6 billion per year
    Guess which one is more of a drain on the NHS.
    That’s right you guessed it = Smoking

  14. farage old worn out man. you shouldn't set a bad example, children watch this and want to smoke, you destroyed the UK, and now you want to give our children cancer.

  15. Starmer is butt hurt since he got thrown out of the pub and banned from J Clarkson pub, so he's seeking revenge, the tyrant traitor

  16. Eww. As if he isn't disgusting enough, he stinks like an old mouldy ashtray as well. What about our right as non-smokers not to inhale the poison that has already been swirling around your filthy, tar filled lungs? I'm just asking questions, Nigel.

  17. Ffs you can’t smoke indoors you can’t smoke outdoors you can’t have a line in the toilet / what’s next .

  18. I told Andrew Tate i had secrets
    Big secrets
    I didnt no at the time
    That its the last hour
    I feel so powerful

  19. Farridge is a grifting grubby little chancer and liar. As for smoking bans, myself, friends and family go out more since the ban since we wont be gassed out by selfish smokers. Its a vile habit, has no merits and kills millions. The sooner its banned the better.

  20. Only thing this dick ha done is infuriated European leadership and in return left British politicians hands tied behind their buck Having no word in trading policies

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