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In Full: Keir Starmer launching ‘financial assault’ on pensioners, says Priti Patel

Dame Priti Patel accused Sir Keir Starmer of launching a “nasty financial assault” on pensioners as she criticised the Government’s decision to scale back winter fuel payments.

Delivering her first major speech of the Tory leadership contest, Dame Priti took aim at Sir Keir over the address he gave in the 10 Downing Street Rose Garden earlier this week.

She described it as “one of the most feeble, pitiful and dishonest speeches you will ever hear”.

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#priti #patel #conservatives


  1. Brexit has cost £140 Billion and rising, pretty sure the Brexiteers are behind the financial assualt on pensioners.

  2. Tories ruin our country since 2010, deteriorating the fabrics of our society. 4 weeks into a Labour government they proceed to blame Labour for everything.

    One thing I’l give the Conservative Party is that they are better opposition than Labour were.

  3. The Conservatives need to look into why they had left wing politicians, surely the conservatives should be right wing only

  4. SHAME SHAME SHAME! Conservative team needs to shut up and show some humility for many years. What happened these last years is disgraceful. They proved they are unprofessional and unfit to run the country.

  5. Dame Priti Patel has got what it takes to get the conservative party back on its feet 100%. I remember watching her in action in the chamber and she is so powerful & positive. It’s a shame she didn’t get the chance to run the country. She also has a very nice manner and a great smile 🙏🇬🇧👍.

  6. She will spend 30minutes swearing at the nation on her first speech as anew Torry leader coz that what she does best apparently.

  7. Because most of them vote Tory. Tories have done nothing for young people for 3 decades. Each party just attack the voters that don't vote for them. Fail to see why Paul McCartney ad Cliff Richard should receive state pensions and fuel allowances.

  8. Does anyone still believe that any party actually cares about pensioners or anyone else? That's old politics…governments now care about Banking…Big business…NGOs…Oligarchs…Oil…Power/ Control….

  9. UNIPARTY, i vote for her because shes hot. But no trust left for any of them or democratic process

  10. This lady is my choice-I have always admired her strength of character and good judgement. I hope and pray that she is chosen as Tory leader. I wholeheartedly agree with every word of this excellent speech…

  11. I don't want to listen to this woman, they all in this government are lying to people,they divided the country with Brexit and destroyed the economy in addition, they let criminals into the country!

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