Garden Plans

“Leave Pub Owners ALONE” | Cristo On Minimum Alcohol Price Plans By Labour

Pub bosses have been warned that the government might consider minimum alcohol pricing as part of its public health efforts.

Industry insiders said they were informed this could happen if they don’t address alcohol-related harms. A government spokesman denied any plans for minimum pricing.

The warning follows a suggestion that Labour may introduce more public health measures, like banning smoking in beer gardens. A senior figure hinted at this policy during an event, urging the industry to act or face government intervention, citing the soft drinks industry’s response to the sugar tax.

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  1. Angela should be ashamed being associated with labour and bullying pensioners.
    You labour lot are bullies and it will end with more protest.
    We all have a voice and have this right to our opinion.
    Free speech!!! YES

  2. Minimum alcohol pricing didn't work in Scotland. It drove the poor to drugs to get off their head. Nice one. the worst drug problem and drug deaths in Europe.

  3. Adolf Starmer for Lord Protector, after Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan Troopers. Dictator Starmer has his Starmer Troopers, who are soon going to be arresting people for smoking OUTSIDE OF PUBS. The Labour/Nazi Govt. obviously wants to raise taxes on cigarettes and alcohol and arrest more native British People. He will soon be demanding a crown to go with his new office. WATCH THE MOVIE "V IS FOR VENDETTA," TO UNDERSTAND STARMER'S FUTURE PLANS. STARMER HAS PREPARED A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR HIMSELF, HIS NAZI PARTY, HIS STARMER TROOPER (formerly known as police).

  4. remember when sweden had the highest su(cide rate in the western world, well that was when they couldnt afford a drink now and then.

  5. why dont they focus on the food industry and all the fake sugar preservatives and untold chemicals in all pre packaged ready meals and other processed food that is causing mass insulin resistance if theyre on health kick.

  6. Boris Johnson would not have banned smoking in the pub gardens as he believed it would have a massive impact on the hospitality businesses etc
    Also said sunak's idea of banning cigarettes to anyone born 2009 onwards was absolutely nuts its down to personal choice

  7. Scotland has a minimum pricing on alcohol units which is due to increase from 50%to65%.
    The only problem is that the extra money raised by this goes to the profits of the supermarket.
    Another great decision by our incompetent government.🤯🤯🤣🤣

  8. It’s clear to see that if you smoke a cigarette in a pub garden, you could only be branded as a terrorist, and must be punished accordingly.

  9. I honestly feel like this news channel would be better if it was ran by teenagers. Fucking useless "journalism"

  10. sums it up stop smoking outside and stop winter fuel for are elder,because thats important to sort are country out.but no need to stop immagration or stabbing,because that wont help sort are country out.yeah could not make this crazinest up .peace and love all

  11. Watch out we live in Scotland and the pruce if alcohol has been increased alededly to cut fown on deaths and did ot happen deaths are higher alededly, also the profits from this went to the supermarkets. QUITE UNBELIEVABLE BEGGARS BELIEF.

  12. Non smokers dont go outside in the winter the rain , snow etc ..just about 6 weeks a year they want to be out there !!!

  13. Unbelievable Starmer decided to do this. I’ll wait to see what happens when they bring this stupid idea in. What will be next, it’s like communism.

  14. Why is Starmer going after pubs ? Sounds like Stamer is trying to stop folks congregating anywhere. Is he a wanna-be dictator?? My opinion, and as far as i know, I am entitled to it.

  15. Starmer OUT❗Farage IN, We need Reform NOW❗Britain is for British Citizens of all Races, NOT illegal immigrants❗🇬🇧

  16. We really need to get rid of 2TK. All smokescreen, diversion, and insincerity. Deal with the problems the electorate would prioritise such as crime and immigration…And leave people alone to smoke fags in gardens.

  17. How about people not urinating in people’s doorways during “carnival.” Can that stop?
    Can the stabbings stop?
    Can the sexual molestations from illegal migrants on British women stop?
    Can the f* dinghies full of illegal migrants stop?
    Starmer needs to concentrate and focus for f* sake

  18. He just wants to be seen doing something. He's helpless when it comes to smashing real crimes and holding up justice and equality when it comes to policing all communities. That's all the public what to see. The same rules for all. Probably far too British a concept for our global leader. The more rules he brings in the worse the economy is going to be. I wouldn't start a business under his government. I think lots will go under.

  19. The do gooders in government are just finishing the job of killing the hospitality sector that they began with the pandemic. At least in Orwell's "1984"the plebs were allowed their cigarettes and cheap gin. Not with the current lot in government though. They want us in complete misery without any escaping through our vices. Misery loves company and those in charge are as miserable as human beings can get!

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