
Does anyone know what is happening to my peach tree?

I just planted this tree this past spring, it’s been doing alright aside from getting some leaves and fruit eaten – which is fine, I heard they need a lot of pruning the first year anyway.

What is concerning me now is there is a large area along that trunk that seems almost gnawed at? I don’t live near a body of water, so I don’t think a beaver would do this. Can anyone help me figure out what’s going on before it dies?

by kterling


  1. Just_Classic4273

    Deer rub, this is common this time of year as testosterone levels rise and they shed their velvet. This guy is getting ready for the rut

  2. iamcleek

    stupid deer.

    i’ve pounded four pieces of cheap rebar around all the small trees i’ve planted. deer don’t like rubbing on the rebar, so they just go somewhere else.

  3. moparforever

    Deer meat tastes better than peach’s 😂

  4. DragonflyValuable128

    Save it and next time someone objects to hunting deer you crack them with it.

  5. ForestWhisker


    Found the guy

  6. Georgiaboy1492

    Officially only part of your tree that will die is above all that, now you just have a shorter peach tree, this happened to my pine tree last year & now it’s just a shorter pine tree.

  7. Queasy_Barnacle1306

    Definitely a young buck. I had one do that to a red sunset maple tree that we planted for my son when he was born. The tree survived but was stunted on that side of the tree for about 7 or 8 years.
    It looks normal now (year 17) but you can still see scarring on the trunk.
    Don’t give up on it just yet.

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